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Fae et ae. In this context, homoplastic evolution of similar fl ower morphologies are thought to have resulted from strong selec-tion pressures by similar pollinators ( F æ gri and van der Pijl, 1966 ). Et al.>8Effects of grain size and grading on dynamic shear moduli of sands, Soils and Foundations, Vol.17, No.3, pp.19-35, 1977. 4( ¨b ì6ë Û*f æ _ L >/ Û º '¨ >4 Û º >2 ) 33 ¡ >0 z8 ¡ wE)E@ è Æ 8o% >B >+ #Õ èb I >1 M ¦ ¡ Qb î8 wEX8( ¾>8 &¾SUb4( ¨ ` Û / ¬í · º e4 &É Û%, ) >2 z8 0¿ b#.#ä Ö Òb&k e8 \KZ Ç6ë6õ b |-ç ì@ ±AC v~ V F} Z8 rS >* 8c.
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H \ f , æ Å Ì !¢ ä n ó £ ó é Ù 2 ã s 9Ù Ò Ã H ( æ ý v P ½ á á9Ù The system of students and parents participation in French schools 9ÙRelated to the citizenship education9Ù " d Ï 9Ö OTSU, Takashi 9Ö 9Ý9Ú H \ f , é!¢ ä n ó £ ó Ù 2 H \ f , æ Å ¿ á G ^&» !. U A \ é Â " > X o ` f æ Å Ì t G D 2 o f Neuronal oscillations of cerebral giant cells in the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis d +® 9Ý, ª+®$¤9Þ, Ê û9®) Á9ß *Kouya Kato1, Minoru Saito2, Yoshimasa Komatsuzaki3 Abstract:. Alpha Persei (Latinized from α Persei, abbreviated Alpha Per, α Per), formally named Mirfak (pronounced / ˈ m ɜːr f æ k / or / ˈ m ɪər f æ k /), is the brightest star in the northern constellation of Perseus, outshining the constellation's best known star, Algol.Alpha Persei has an apparent visual magnitude of 1.8, and is a circumpolar star when viewed from mid-northern latitudes.
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